• Travel

    Interview with Anna

    Kayla: First, tell me a little about yourself. How old are your children? Anna: I’m 33 years old and the mom of 3 kids. Jodi is 5, Bo is 3.5 and Aubree is 2. I had all three children within 36 months. Right now, I’m a stay-at-home mom. Kayla: What are some things you’ve learned specifically as your children have grown a little older? Anna: I’ve learned to celebrate “inch“ stones not milestones. There are 69,840 inches in a mile. Think of all the celebrations you miss if you only celebrate milestones. Bo has some disabilities and did not start walking until he was almost 2. Now at 3.5 he…

  • LifeStyle

    Anya, Madre, Matka. Mother’s Odyssey

    Interview with Vickie: Kayla: First, tell me a little about yourself. How old is your child? Vickie: My daughter, Amelia Kate, is 6 months old. I am usually quiet and private. I feel like I’m the odd mom out and don’t really fit in with other moms but I’m more fun than I look. We are a single income family (I work and my husband stays home with our baby) because she has medical issues and needs constant attention. So I don’t spend money on the cute baby outfits like other moms might (and post pictures). Kayla: Agreed. And honestly, I just don’t have time for that.  Kayla: I’ve read…

  • Wellness

    2020 Unleashed

    This year has, undoubtedly, been one of the most difficult years we have had collectively in quite some time. For us, the dust has started to settle some and I’m able to see, what I hope as, a clearer picture. As we approach the end of the year I’ve already begun reflecting on how this year has played out thus far but also reevaluating what I now see that has become our “new normal”. This year has been crazy insane but I can’t resist being thankful for how God has provided over and over again throughout the year.  We started our year by making the decision to put our house…

  • LifeStyle

    Scarlett’s (and my) NICU aftermath…

    This story is likely going to be more difficult for me to share than the first.  Scarlett was born in December right in the middle of the holiday chaos. The first few weeks of her life after her time in the NICU was a hands on, crash course, full time parenting boot camp plus the business of the holidays and traveling. It was the most difficult learning experience of my life but also a great season that we got to spend with our snuggly, newborn baby girl. Finally, after the New Year and about 3 full weeks of time off, Blaze went back to work and the dust quickly settled. …

  • LifeStyle

    The story of Scarlett in honor of NICU awareness month.

    Speaking of waiting, this man waited 9 years of marriage for a baby. I never planned on having children but Blaze never gave up. In early 2018 this guy, without telling me, prayed for us to have a baby. That April, we celebrated our 9thanniversary and on that day (well actually the day after) I told him that I was pregnant. He was quite shocked; much like I was when I found out that he had specifically and intentionally prayed for it earlier that year! To be completely transparent, I was more terrified than I was excited. I couldn’t wrap my mind around the fact that I was going to…