
  • Wellness

    A time of renewal – Winter Solstice:

    For many people winter can be a difficult time of depression. Short days, long nights and the most darkness of the year signify the start of a new season – winter solstice. It can often feel like the darkness (physically, mentally and emotionally) is taking over.  What is winter solstice? Winter solstice is typically identified as the shortest day of the year. While that’s not incorrect it’s also just the beginning. On the day that is deemed “winter solstice” the Northern Hemisphere portion of the earth is tilted away from the sun resulting in less sunlight. Up until this moment, as the Earth continues its path around the sun, the…

  • Wellness

    2020 Unleashed

    This year has, undoubtedly, been one of the most difficult years we have had collectively in quite some time. For us, the dust has started to settle some and I’m able to see, what I hope as, a clearer picture. As we approach the end of the year I’ve already begun reflecting on how this year has played out thus far but also reevaluating what I now see that has become our “new normal”. This year has been crazy insane but I can’t resist being thankful for how God has provided over and over again throughout the year.  We started our year by making the decision to put our house…